Edge Computing
CIS 490J / 590 H: Edge Computing
The course covers the following topics:
1) the network basics for edge computing
2) a three-layered system for the IoT world:
the IoT layer, which introduces different IoT devices, sensors, mobile devices, wireless sensor networks, and wireless sensing technologies.
the cloud layer, which introduces cloud computing concepts and practices, including cloud resource management, resource virtualization, serverless, and so on.
the edge layer, which introduces the basic system models of edges.
3) comparing and contrasting edge and cloud.
4) edge computing systems and frameworks
5) Federated Learning
A hands-on course project is an important part of the course and so is reading research papers.
One course project in Win22 won the Honorable Mention - Originality award of the 2nd CPS-IoT Week Student Design Competition on Networked Computing On the Edge.
Drone-car Collaboration Survey [accepted by 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems]
Timebay: an Ad-Hoc Network For Student Vehicle Testing [paper][presentation]